BICA*AI 2023 Detailed Program with Video Links
Time Activity Details YouTube
Plenary Saturday, October 14, 2023 (day 2)
8:00-9:00 Registration. Location: Reception Lobby.
9:00-9:30 Plenary Session 1: Opening Ceremony. Chairs: Caiming Jong and Tingting Liu. Moderator: Amanda. Location: Yongcheng Hall.
Opening Ceremony Agenda:
1. Shuiqing Zhang, Vice Director, Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau.
2. Jinhui Chen, Director, Ningbo Education Bureau.
3. Ting Luo, Vice Dean, College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University.
4. Alexei Samsonovich, Founding President of BICA Society.
5. Angelo Cangelosi, Professor at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, a renowned expert in the fields of machine learning and robotics.
9:30-10:00 Plenary Session 2. Chair: Robert Laddaga. Location: Yongcheng Hall.
Keynote 1: Angelo Cangelosi.
Developmental Robotics for Language Learning, Trust and Theory of Mind.
10:00-10:30 Coffee. Location: Lobby.
10:30-11:45 Plenary Session 3. Chair: Angelo Cangelosi. Location: Yongcheng Hall.
10:30-11:00 Keynote 2: John Laird.
MR Integrating Cognitive Architectures and Generative Models.
11:00-11:45 Keynote 3: Paul Robertson.
Artificial Social Intelligence, Artificial Independent Intelligence and the Future of AI.
11:45-13:15 Lunch. Location: Buffet (second floor).
13:15-15:45 Plenary Session 4. Chair: Paul Robertson. Location: Yongcheng Hall.
13:15-13:30 Invited Plenary Talk 1: Alexei Samsonovich. Toward a human-level artificial social-emotional intelligence. 145
13:30-14:15 Keynote 4 (online): Ron Sun. Relevance of Cognitive Architectures to Neural-Symbolic Models and Dual-Process Theories. 35
14:15-14:50 Invited Plenary Talk 2: Ricardo Gudwin. An Episode Tracker for Cognitive Architectures. 67
14:50-15:15 Invited Plenary Talk 3 (online): Scott Fahlman. Deep Learning AI vs. Symbolic Knowledge-Based AI:  We're Going to Need BOTH. 139
15:15-15:45 Invited Plenary Talk 4: Junichi Takeno. Self-Aware Robots and Conscience. 137
15:45-16:00 Coffee. Location: Lobby.
16:00-17:20 Plenary Session 5. Chair: Ricardo Gudwin. Location: Yongcheng Hall.
16:00-16:45 Keynote 5 (online). Antonio Lieto. Avoiding the behaviouristic trap with the Minimal Cognitive Grid. 152
16:45-17:05 BICA Society Panel. Moderator: Alexei Samsonovich. Panelists: Paul Robertson, Robert Laddaga, Tingting Liu. 41
17:05-17:20 Future of AI Panel. Moderator: Tingting Liu. Panelists: Angelo Cangelosi, Olivier Georgeon, Ricardo Gudwin, Alexei Samsonovich. 195
17:20 Adjourn
18:30 Banquet at Sky Secret